EPILOGUE 355 helping to break down the resistance of individuals and groups to their absorption by the fascist state, the Church has accepted and smiled on the omnipotence of this state which denies freedom to the independent conscience and to religion itself. Even, or rather particularly, when official honours are being heaped on it, religion only survives under fascism by allowing itself to be used as a tool. Like fascism it becomes merely a discipline, a useful means of consoling and restraining the common people, an indispensable resource that so many atheists, from Voltaire to Mussolini, have invoked. c Religion for the poor ' is thus added to c imperialism for the proletariaty in the well-filled fascist armoury of tf raison d'etat.'1 Since fascism exalts action and denies philosophy, must faith in philosophy be signalized by the denial of action ? The pundits who take this line betray philosophy twice over by betraying both philosophy and action. No conception of life is true or workable unless It is universally applicable, and in this case c universally ' applies to each individual man, and so to humanity as a whole. Man and humanity are identical terms. It is impossible to affirm what is human in individual man without realizing it in the whole of mankind. Hence the human must be supreme, and im- press itself on every branch of life. There can be no giving way to Jaits accomplis, no surrender to success ; the respon- sibilities that are owed to all men cannot be avoided by an escape into the realm of good intentions. Good intentions by themselves do no good. It is not enough to be in the right; one has got to succeed. Methods and tactics are necessary therefore ; weapons must be chosen.* forces combined, the decision made as to where they are to be applied ; certain positions must be abandoned in order to win others; progress must be made through advances a,nd retreats and cunning manoeuvres whose meaning only becomes apparent with their coxnple- 1 Thus on February 26, 1937, a week after the Addis Ababa massacres, the Cardinal Archbishop of Milan, Monsignor Schuster, compared Mussolini to the most glorious of the Roman emperors* and hailed * the Italian legions who are occupying Abyssinia in order to ensure to its people the double advantage of imperial civilization and the catholic faith ?*