THE RISE OF ITALIAN FASCISM 368 Novara Novi Ligure Oderzo (Treviso) Padua Pavia Peicastagno (Genoa) Piacenza Pisa Pistoia Ponte a Signa (Florence) Rebosco (Genoa) Rimini Ronco (Parma) Saliano (Parma) Sampierdarena (Genoa) San Jacopo (Leghorn) San Secondo (Parma) Savona (Genoa) Schio Spezia (Genoa) Torre (Padua) Turin Trieste Vicenza Vigevano Voghera Resignation of socialist town council. Chamber of Labour, resignation of socialist town council. Communist club. Chamber of Labour. Chamber of Labour. Socialist and communist club. Chamber of Labour. Socialist paper. Era Nostra. Occupation of town hall. Proletarian league of ex-servicemen. Socialist and communist club. Marine Labour co-operative, railway- men's co-operative. Socialist co-operative and club. Co-operative and socialist club. Chamber of Labour, railwaymen's co-operative. Socialist club. Socialist co-operative and club. Socialist co-operative. Chamber of Labour. Federal Chamber of Labour, Syn- dicalist (dissident) Chamber of Labour, Marine Federation, Metal- workers' Syndicate. Chamber of Labour. Several communist clubs. Van belonging to the paper // Lavoratore. Chamber of Labour. Chamber of Labour. Railwaymen's club. The harvest was so abundant that the Popolo d* Italia was unable to quote the full honours list. The following is an attempt to fill the gap, always confining itself to August 4 as the limiting date.1 Ancona Binasco (Milan) Leghorn (Tuscany) Legnaia (Florence) Legnano (Milan) the communist deputy and socialist printing Home of Corneli, works. Chamber of Labour. Railwaymen's club. Mutual aid society. Occupation of town hall. 1 The information given is almost all taken from Ghiurco's History of the Fascist Revolution.