for our day to day needs we had to pay higher price for the same goods in the black market. Thus Britain for her war acquired Indian goods at an artificial low price since 1943; we had to pay an artificially higher price in order to subsist during a war not exactly our own. For all these materials and services supplied by India what has Britain given in exchange? Britain has transferred to Indian ownership about £360 mil- lion capital invested by Britain before the war. In addition to this amount the Reserve Bank of India has received a credit of 1300 million paper sterlings. The sterlings are in ordinary language I.O.U. promissory notes passed by a bankrupt Britain to a starving credi- tor India. India was dragged into the war without her con- sent. She was made to part with men and materials under compulsion. At the same time she was forced to accept LO.U.s of Britain because debtor Britain is the political master of India.