VII AGRICULTURE IN RUINS India has been the classic land of bumper crops in the past. If Britain destroyed the Indian industry, she has equally ruined the vitality and resilience of our agricultural economy. Millions and millions of rupees have been wasted on foreign wars. Nothing, however, has been done to organise this great national industry on which India's millions live. If year before the last, millions died of famine in Bengal, if today there is a prospect of a terrible famine ahead, it is because of the criminal neglect of our agricultural economy. The total area of British India is 1005 million acres. In 1937-38, out of this total 281 million acres only were sown with crops. Another 110 million acres were cultivable waste and 58 million acres were fallow land. If we take all India figures 360 million crores were sown; cultivable waste represent 170 million crores, and fallow land another 80 million acres. DECLINING ACREAGE In British India only a meagre 0,86 acre of land per head is cultivated. There again is the fact that per capita acreage is declining. Despite the increase in the total area cultivated, the rate of increase in po- pulation has reduced the area of cultivated land per 42