Bengal 100 U. P. 90 Madras 73 Punjab 58 Bombay 35 Bihar & Orissa 33 In each case more than 25 per 100 acres are super- fluous and uneconomical The average comes to 67 cattle per 100 acres to sown area against 15 for China and 6 for Japan. But in fact there are only 60 million working cattle for about 300 million acres, a number hopelessly inadequate for intensive farming. Dr. Burns has made certain eloquent estimates to show why cattle in India are growing uneconomical. The total number of bovine adults in India is 167 mil- lion. The minimum feed requirements of cattle in India are about 225 million tons of roughages and 17 million tons of concentrates. As against this minimum, the total feed available is only 175 million tons of roughages and less than 4 million tons of concentrates. Therefore there is a clear deficiency of 50 million tons of roughages and 13 million tons of concentrates. "When the cattle all over the world are improving, in India, under the guidance of Britain, they are dete- riorating. It must not be forgotten that India largely lives on milk and milk products. The cow is not merely an appendage of agriculture. She is really the mother of the race. What has the British Government done to maintain her capacity and yield? The average yield of an Indian cow is a little over 2 Ibs. a day. In Holland it is 20 Ibs. a day, in U.K. it is 15 Ibs. a day, in New Zealand 14 Ibs. a day. In the pre-war period, Germany, under a government which is held up to the hatred of the whole world, had so looked after its cattle that it produced the same quan- 44