The gross neglect of the Government becomes patent when the yields in other lands are compared with India's. India. (Ibs. per acre.) China. Japan. U.S.A. World Yield. 988 811 2433 3070 989 1350 1680 990 1440 840 Rice Wheat Wheat production per hectare (in quintale). India Germany V. K. 7 22-6 20.6 Rice production per hectare. India. U.S.A. China. Italy. 13.9 24.5 25.1 51.2 With this low production it is not surprising that there is deficiency in food in this country. 1936-37 Average yield per acre in British India in Ibs. "Rice. Wheat. Barley. Juar. Maize. Gram. Linseed. 939 774 872 575 939 685 345 Sugarcane .. 361 Cotton .. 127 India had only about 40 million tons out of the necessary total food supply of 60 million tons. In 1941-42 rice production was only 25.6 million tons. In fact it was less than the 1929-38 average of 30.8 million tons by about 5 million tons. Imports cut off by the war were 2.4 million tons. Thus there was the total deficit of 7.5 million tons. Net wheat deficit was 0.5 million ton. In 1942, therefore, there was no Indian food supply for about 63 million people. The total production of pulses in India is 8.5 mil- lion tons. Of this 7.5 million tons only are available for consumption. As against this our total minimum 52