1911 1921 1931 1941 1911-41 %variation (a) Population (mn) .. 315 319 353 389 +23.5 (b) Working Population 149 146 154 170 +13.4 (c) Persons engaged in industries .. 17.5 15.7 15.3 16.3 — 6.3 Percentage of c to b 11.0 11.0 10.0 9.6 —12.7 Percentage of c to a 5.5 4.9 4.3 4.2 —23.6 The number of workers in large-scale industries are increasing but very slowly. (In lakhs) Year. Mines. Factories. Plantations. Railways. Total. 1901 .. 0.88 4.70 6.38 3.70 15.66 1911 .. 3.07 7.90 7.41 5.43 23.12 1921 .. 3.55 12.30 10.02 7.49 31.19 1931 .. 3.45 15.20 10.80 7.37 35.81 The total number of people dependent on indus- tries has steadily decreased. (in millions) 1901 .. 34.3 1911 .. 34.2 1921 .. 33.2 1931 .. 32.9 (Census Report) A comparative study of distribution of population in occupations in other countries would show how India has been kept back from progressing towards industrial development. Percentage of working population engaged in occupations. (1931) Agriculture, Industry Trade & Liberal Others, fishing, <& mining, transport, professions. etc. U.K. .. 7.0 47.3 20.7 4.4 20.6 U.S.A. .. 22.0 31.7 24.5 7.0 14.8 Japan .. 50.3 19.5 20.2 .. 10.0 India .. 67.2 10.2 6.6 1.5 14.5 The per capita production of goods vital 'to indus- trial progress are as follows: 62