U.S.A. U.K. India (Per ton) Iron .. .003 .2 .3 Steel .. .003 .3 .4 Coal .. .007 5.2 3.0 U.S.S.R. WITH SELF-RULE ?And if one compares with what U.S.S.R. has been able to do, the difference is remarkable. The total number of workers and employees in Soviet Industry, trade and agriculture has grown, since 1919, nearly three times, from 11| million to 32 millions. Women represented 45 per cent of all indus- trial workers in November 1940. The urban popula- tion has increased from 26.3 millions in 1926 to 55.9 millions in 1939. In U.S.S.R. the 1939 census reveals that, of a total population of 170 millions, workmen in towns and vil- lages (including family members) were 55 millions or 32.2 per cent. Non-working population was hardly 0.04 per cent. Employees formed only 17*54 per cent. Industrial output of U.S.S.R. (gross figures in milliards of roubles 1926-27 values). 1913 1933 1939 1941 (plan) Total .. 16.2 45.7 123.9 162.0 Capital goods .. 5.4 24.5 73.7 103.6 Consumer goods .. 10.8 21.2 50.2 58.4 Total agricultural production (in millions of roubles of 1926-27 value) 1913 1929 1938 12,607 14,745 20,123 63