A comparative view of the consumption of cotton cloth per head shows an equally sad state: U. S. A. 64 sq. yds. U. K. 35 „ „ Japan 21 linear yds. India 16 „ „ (only 10 or 12 in 43-44) Per capita consumption of coal in U.S.A. is 4.72 tons: in Great Britain 2.6 tons; in India, however, it is only 0.07 tons. Railway mileage in India is 41,000 (with a capital investment of Rs. 850 crores) that is, 35 miles per 100 sq. miles against 100 in U.S.A. and 200 in U.K. Still, all broad-gauge locomotives have to be imported and till lately, even wagons. In 1943-45 estimated imports were of 900 locomotives. It must not be forgotten that the railways in India were constructed not for national development but for military purposes. Some of the major Railway Companies were floated by British businessmen who were guaranteed a certain percentage of profits on their investments. As a result, these railways were worked in a manner so as to result in losses over several decades all of which were made good by the Indian tax-payer. We have 35 miles of Roads per 100 sq. miles of territory while the corresponding figures of other countries are:— Japan 300 U. S. A. 200 Great Britain 110 In a total area of 1,580,000 sq. miles there are only 85,792 miles of metalled roads. Of this, total mileage, of roads with cement or bituminous surface is only 9680. The Nagpur Conference of Chief Engineers 66