ls:j:i-;M] (CHILDHOOD 39 Anne Stanley1 the life-long friend of Maria Hare, till, in tin* summer of 18?}3, the tie of sisterhood, which had always existed in feeling, became a reality, through her marriage with Marcus Hare, the youngest of the four brothers. A chill which Augustus Hare caught, when he was in Cheshire for his brother's marriage, was the first cause of his fatal illness. It was soon after considered necessary "that he should spend the winter abroad with his wife, and it was decided that they should accompany Marcus and Lucy 11 are to Rome. At Genoa- the illness of Augustus became alarming, but he reached Rome, and there he expired on the 1-1 th of February, ISo-l, full of faith and hope, and comforting those who surrounded him to the last. .My father felt his brother's loss deeply. They had little in common on many points, yet, the, close: tie of brotherhood, which had existed between them from early days at Bologna, was such as no difference of opinion could alter, no time or absence weaken. When Augustus was laid to rest- at the*, foot of the pyramid of (!a-.ius (Vstiiis, my father's most/ earnest wish was to comfort his widowed sister-in-law, and in the hope of arousing an interest, winch might still give some semblance1 of an earthly tie to one who seemed then upon the very borderland of heaven, ho entreated, when I was born in the following month, that she would become my godmother, promising that she should be permit led to influence my future in i Srroml daughter of Sir John Stanley, aftwvards, Lord Slanloy of AId*«rl«'y, juifi niw of tin* IU'v. Edward SUmloy, Maria Lcyeester'n