508 THK STORY <>K MY LIFH small narrow chamber in which Robespierre was for one day, hut where he never slept brought there ut, ei«L?hl, tried at eleven, executed at four. This opens into at hir.«ro room, now the chapel, otiee the prison ot Mudanu* Kli/ahcth, and afterwards tin* place in which the are the rrmaiiiH of Port Uoyal, th«» farmh*>uso when* Haeine iiml Piiseiil lived and wrote, the dovecot and fountain of Mere An^-lique, the wins of the church, tin* cemetery and en IMS, ainl Mini Solit-mlt* * whi*re tin* IIUIIH salt in Huleiitn council uroumi a crucifix in the middle t»f the woods. In tin.* hcHwe in a eolleettcHi of old pictutvH of the e««h«lfritii'H ruu~ neeted with the plan*. Arthur, of emuw% peiipled tin* whole plaee in imagination ami doHcrijitiou with the li^uivK of the past* and insisted on utir * walking in pr«MTSHi«»tj* t«f tw*») down tin* rttinecl church. u We went on to Dampirnv, H fine oltt ehfileiiii of tin* Due whrre the (*h<*vrrUHr. lived/* H Nm\ H. - ....... -'Tin* rulcl in lilttitmt Iti»tip{iii!lfi!4t* ! lira «> itecttHfotiiHt to tlwir iitiriibli* elinmti** Mattuitm Harmuti catutnt luultwtami my ft»t»liii^ it, ami I Itnvt* diflieiitty in getting oven tin* utti* tittle I'm? wi» lmvi% anil tttti