00 THK STORY OF MY LIFK ; : looked up —"Down comes P»ahy and cradle and a lit1 tells the kitten ' not touch this or that." and unmake noise, Pussy's head had." " ^tfcjif. ~S. The sea-hat hin^' at Kast bourne al\\ frightened Baby before he went in. He \\ould clin-.i Alary and be very nervous till the women had dipped h and then. In the midst of his .sobs from the shock, \\n si no* " Little I>o Peep/ to {heir ^reat amusement. was very happv throwing stones in the \\atrr and pick up shells; but above all he enjo\ed himself «»n IJcj. Head, the fresh air and turf seemed t«» exhilarate him much as any one, and the picking purple thiMle. ,nid <>* down ilowers was a threat delight. . . . His pleasure returning home and seeing the llouers he had If l! \ very i»Teat. He talks of them as if the\ \\eiv hs> pi mates, realising KehIe"s--% In ehildhoodV >p«»n>, •.» •JIH? /i in/ts L^'aV. *k ()(•./. 17. After dinner to-day, on beimj; fold t«» tha (jod for his imod dinner, he would iioi «i«> it, lli»«n usually he does it the first thini*1 on havin1.*1 liiii^h'-il. \\"ould not let- him i^'et out of his chair, \\hieh eiir,sv»rd hi and he burst into a violent passion. T\\icr, \s h»'ii I abated, I went- to him and tried, partlv l»v enenurav'ciuc partly by positively insisting on it, t«» bsifiii' him t*» »» <1 to forgive him for !*'in^ so nau^Imhr- and the most attractive in Florence. thru