WASTE WOOD. 83 leiU to that of the lime used in the decomposition; when two parts of sulphuric, acid are used to one part of lime the sulphuric acid preponderates, and there is obtained a solution of oxalic acid containing free sulphuric acid. However, it is advisable to work in this manner, since the excess of acid iieeeleniteK the decomposition of the oxalate of lime, thi' sulphuric: acid being utilized again in a later operation. lu order to hasten the, decomposition of the oxalate of lime, steam in continuouHly introduced through a small lead pipe, which reaches to the bottom of the decomposing vessel. The solid compound is thus kept always suspended in the liquid ; the heating also assists the decomposition. After the addition of the whole of the sulphuric acid the liquid is allowed to rest, the solution of oxalic acid drawn off after the