The Hidden Treasure arak, and tried to commit suicide in the Tigris. He attacked the vizier's sons as they walked down the High Street, and suggested that twenty witnesses be, bought and a counter lawsuit started. I used to be told unkindly that my friends were all in prison or likely to go there soon. And when finally we heard that Hasan had been seized again and was safe between four government walls, we accepted the news with no little relief. As for the treasure, whether it really exists or not is: still uncertain. And the mountain and the cave are still to be explored. Note.—The skull from the Larti grave reached Baghdad safely, was presented to the museum there, and is described as follows: " The specimen found by Miss Stark, and presented by her to the Baghdad Museum, consists of a cranium and mandible. It was found in a grave underneath an over- hanging cliff in the valley of the Larti, which lies in the eastern part of the Pusht-i-Kuh in Luristan. Itis extremely brachy- cephalic, with an index of 88-6. The face is entirely missing, although the lower jaw is present, and die cranium is intact. The principal cranial measurements and indices are as follows: Maximum head length 167 mm „ width 148 „ Basi-bragmatic height 137 ,, Minim, frontal diam. 97 ,, Basi-nasion length 102 ,, Cephalic index (length width) 88-6 „ Length-height index 80*3 ,, [192]