Chapter III A JOURNEY TO THE VALLEY OF THE ASSASSINS THE ASSASSINS WERE A PERSIAN SECT. THEY WERE A BRANCH of the Isma'ili, who were a branch of the Shi'a, who still constitute practically the whole of Persia and give particular veneration to Muhammad's son-in-law 'Ail and the Imams of his house. The Isma'ili broke away from them over the succession to the seventh Imam Ja'far. But it is not their theology which is interesting so much as their politics. They were exploited by an able and unscrupulous Persian family then settled in Palestine, who devoted themselves to the undermining and gradual destruction of every kind of faith by a system of initiation subtly graded for all stages of superstition and belief till, in its highest ranks, it seems to have culminated in absolute free thinking. They established the principle of obedience to one of their own family as the depositary of the Divine Wisdom, and having seated themselves on the throne of Egypt, under the name of Fatimite caliphs, they increased in wealth and power, encouraged the love of learning for its own. sake, and, alone among the nations of their day, practised religious toleration. Egypt truly became for a short time the centre of civiliza- tion; and the Isma'ilian propagandist could be met with from Morocco to China. One such came into contact with a young Persian Shi'ite of Rei called Hasan~i-Sabbah» who joined die sect in the year A.D. 1071. He was to become the first Grand Master of the Assassins. Such adventurers have ever been numerous in Persia. 1*97]