The Throne of Solomon To return, however, to the dwellers in the jungle. As we travelled along its mountain fringe, looking down upon it from one height or another and hearing more about it, I began to wonder if it is indeed inhabited by any particular and special race, or if there is not rather a mixture of people from the villages who become Jungalis only at certain seasons of the year. Kuchek Khan himself was a jungle man, they told me, from die neighbourhood of Resht, with long hair and beard such as the Daylamites wore in the Middle Ages: and when he was pursued they never caught him, but chased him up into his fastnesses, where he died of cold in the hills. But his two chief friends and lieutenants, Hala Qurban and Hishmet, were not of the forest at all, the latter being a man from Talaghan: the Refuge of Allah knew him, and saw him at the last, handcuffed, and with his feet tied together under a mule, being taken as a prisoner to Teheran. And as for the later " Bolsheviks," they were practically all Alamutis, Tala- ghanis, and riff-raff from the coast, with a few " foreigners " sprinkled among them. It is useless, they told me, to travel in the jungle in summer, for it is empty, deserted by its inhabitants for the hills; and the higher forest villages such as Daku, which is a large place, though not on the maps, are summer resorts for the coast- dwellers. In that wide belt of forest between the mountains and the sea there seemed to be no fixed population, but a continual passing to and fro from the coastal to the Alpine villages, who all have their appointed stations and grazing grounds for the various seasons of the year. But what there may be apart from diese known villages I could not discover. There are long uninhabited stretches, a day or two days' march at a time, and whether the shepherds and wood-cutters who wander there are a race apart, or whether, as I think more probable, they are the sort of people I was meeting and