A Retreat Hey Holly!!! Scout wide open for. That's it now we're going. Third. Nearly over now this is for the title fifteen round. Maybe it'll be a knockout not a chance. Maybe the referee will stop it so we can switch to the calling more movie and I don't you start that I got exclusive use of that set to a quarter of eight then you take over it's not fair I'm always missing half of the barrage that way. We talk about this later you're always taking my attention away from. What happened what happened. Calling more movie that's what happened. Every time I want to watch a fight you distract me. The last settled that I'm going to get another television set and you better pay this one off first. I. Think I'll miss this dinner again I don't see why I can't be home on time he's down at the gym working out you know that now stop worrying I want to get something settled I don't mind you watching fights five nights a week but do you have to make a fighter out of my son your son is my son to just because he's in an amateur tournament doesn't say he's going to be a fighter Joe I don't want Michael to box he might get hurt. Don't you worry about Joe Mulligan son save your worry for the other guy. I'm. Boy did I have a small workout today what's for child we had pork chops you're having steak steak again a fighter's needs they can don't complain it's cost me a dollar sixty cents a day to build up your body why don't you feed me something else and sort of build up my bank account it got a little over cooked because you were late it looks like you've got it down to thirty five cents to me what's that in your hand just a rubber ball my builds up the muscles in my left arm oh silly what do you mean silly it was good enough for Joe Gans all right Michael eat your dinner you're getting in great shape son you know that Jim is doing you a lot of good well I had a good workout today dad but you know I got to think in there after I saw the other fellows in the gym do you think I was smart and entering the tournament don't you worry about it you'll do all right as a registered voter in this family I'd like to speak my mind I think it's ridiculous for him to enter an amateur boxing tournament and get all smashed up I want Michael to do what he's fitted for. And look obviously you don't have to talk to us like you're raiding the place you've got a warrant arrest us if not give me a kiss. I now pronounce you mother and father. I better go into my thirty pushups before I eat anymore. Come back here and finish this food you haven't had hot mom listen it's not good to do the pushups on a full stomach. You know it'll be good for the boy to get in the ring and not only build up his body but give him a sense of fair play and sportsmanship and it's a good way to meet people yeah look what boxing did for you. All you ever got out of it was a kink in your nose and a slight case of cauliflower. I pass. Those scripts ready yet no they haven't come up from any or yet. So you mad at me no why we haven't had a date for two weeks. You know that I met you you know that I met her in that place athletically boxing tournament and fighting and girls don't go together some of the dates I've had they did. Some pretty close decisions to. You know I mean. What are you doing tonight I think why you've got a date good but I wear your blue jeans we're going to do two miles of road work. How romantic. You know I'm lucky some girls have to go to zeroes or combos and wear evening dresses but lucky me I get to run down some enchanted highway for two miles what are you complaining about Pat it develops the legs. And what's wrong with my legs. Please Pat I'm in training. To be a fighter you're not strong enough who's not strong enough why every bit of me is solid muscle why. I don't know why. All it takes is just a little coordination of the muscles in the biceps when I first went to the gym I could only do ten push ups now I can do twenty six. Why are you wasting your time you were meant for better things than prize fighting look I don't plan on making a career of it Pat pop entered my name in the tournament I don't want to let him down beside I feel healthier for it I I've got more pep and energy why I can even chin myself sixteen times watch this. You know what I'm going to do is. I think he's out. He's out. How in the devil that. You wouldn't believe me if I told you get some water. I. Must have been out if you're better not come out boy get. What happened I think a door ran into him come out of my office well again I've got a surprise for you. How's your training coming along Mulligan fine Mr Brown I've added an eighth of an inch to my arm well I hope you're in good condition boy I just got the OK from the front office this morning the network is sponsoring you in the tournament what we're providing you with a pair of trunks and a bathrobe Mr Brown I certainly appreciate this I. Hope I don't let you down sir I hope not to Mulligan I understand you're fighting a young man representing a D.N. A D.N. Yes a different network Oh you mean see Mulligan what's your language we don't give free publicity to a rival network even in our private conversation yes sir. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this weren't the turning point in your career with us Mulligan Yes sir if you put up a good showing in this tournament and knock the stuffings out of that A.D.N. Boy I wouldn't be surprised if in future years your picture will be right up there with all the other important men of our great organization. It's certainly a great thing to fight for Mr Brown I'll do my best why with a goal like that I'll hit that A.D.N. Boy so hard I'll knock him clear back to C.B.S. I'm home. Have a nice day. And he's a little saul. Oh. Oh no! Oh yes. Is it, is it, is it harmful, ma'am? It hasn't hurt for a while, it's only this will teach you to stay out of my kitchen when I'm preparing dinner. Now go wash up. I gotta do a little shadow boxing. Alright, this is a raid, line up against the wall. Officer, they ought to promote you to lieutenant just for kissing alone. Now stay off my beak, I'm trying to prepare dinner. Where's the champ? Oh he's shadow boxing. My money's on the shadow, if it wins it can fight in the tournament. Too much salt. You too. That's the biggest noodle I, that's not a blouse. And the way it's going over with you gourmets, I'm going to serve it for dinner and weigh up a cockroach. Guess what? I just did 30 push-ups. Really? How many did your shadow do? Dead. Hey, feel that arm. Not bad. How many push-ups did you do? I told you 30. Well you're improving, but still not enough. Oh mom, not apple pie. Yeah, you want to feel my arm? 30 push-ups isn't bad. I'm not a bad fighter. I'm a good fighter. I'm a good fighter. I'm a good fighter. I'm a good fighter. I'm a good fighter. I'm a good fighter. I'm a good fighter. I'm a good fighter. I'm a good fighter. 30 push-ups isn't bad. My usual is 40. 40 what? Push-ups. May I butt in with a stupid question? What is a push-up? Mom, you mean to tell me you don't know what a push-up is? Never heard of it. I'm sure what it is. Well, I... Yeah, go ahead and show me, Joe. If I'm going to live in a house with push-ups, I ought to be able to recognize one when I see it. All right. I'll count. I can count. One. Two. Three. Michael, help your father up. I don't need any help. And what are push-ups supposed to do for you again? Build up your strength. Oh? I'll show you what push-ups can do for you. Here. Please just stand back. Push-ups. Well for a little chair like that, that's pretty good. Now we used to... Yes? Darling, isn't it about time dinner was ready? Yes, and in the nick of time, too. Well, I'm kind of tired. I think I'll go to bed, Pop. Don't call me Pop. Why don't you learn to have a little respect, like I have for my Pop? Well, anyhow, I'm glad to see you getting to bed early. A fighter needs his sleep. Yeah, better to sleep now than in the ring, huh? Take it easy. Take it easy. Good night, Pop. Good night, Mom. Good night, dear. Where's my pajamas? I put a clean pair on your bed. Good night. Good night. Joe, I want to talk to you about something. That Dick Tracy. I don't want to talk to Dick Tracy. I want to talk to Sergeant Mulligan. The stuff they dream up for that guy. Now how could Turtle Face ever get him to stick his head in the garbage disposal? Joe, listen to me. I don't want Michael to fight. I like him the way he is, with his nose in the middle of his face and his ears the right size. Now don't you worry. If he's in good condition, he's not going to get hurt. But what if he wasn't in good condition? If he's not in good condition, I won't let him fight. You wouldn't? Of course not. Now, a fighter has to be strong. And if he's not strong, he has no business in the ring. Now do you understand that? I think I'm beginning to. Well, a fighter's got to be strong, eh? Well, here's where we separate the men from the boys. I know it's awful sneaky, but if you want to win a fight, you can't pull your punches. Hi, Mom. Hi, dear. Boy, I had a terrific workout today. 23 chin-ups, 2 miles of road work. I feel strong as an ox. Do tell. Here, I'll do that for you. Oh, you're probably tired from all your training. Tired? Don't be silly, Mom. Is this supposed to come off? Oh, you're probably weak from over-training, dear. Weak. Well, it was on a little tight, wasn't it? Maybe I shouldn't have done all those push-ups. Maybe I'm a little over-conditioned. It happened to Sugar Ray once. Oh, now don't let it bother you, dear. Just relax and forget it. Oh, Michael, would you please bring me the chair from the kitchen? I want to fix these drapes. Sure. Sorry, sorry, dear, but I'll just have to, uh... A. Something wrong. I feel weak and I've lost all my strength up you raised. To. Get the chair. A. Can happen to me I don't believe it. It's crazy. I. Want to do you should be resting. Oh I had a day today I covered two more sucker bets down at the station Simmons even gave me two to one arts what's wrong with the champ over training looks like you won't be able to fight tomorrow night too bad come on boy what's the matter speak up I don't know. I've lost all my strength and I'm weak Michael hand your father the ashtray I don't know pop it started just today I. What's the matter son. I can't lift it what do you mean you can't lift it it's only a nice tray I can't lift it well so I phone and tell Michael won't be able to fight. You to. Seems to be an epidemic. Just a minute this is a trade blue to the table now who pull a crazy stunt like that blue. Nail holes in the chair. Must be me. You mean that you know you can't say I didn't put up a good fight. Say Henry. Must be about time for my about I don't go get impatient. My name is Mulligan Tiger Mulligan I beg your pardon Tiger. Say Henry you must have seen all the great fighters in your day. Well I've seen them all the past forty years Ross Cassinary Armstrong and was walking to talk to Willie Papp G. I'm going to. Tell me truthfully Henry how do I how do I stack up against those fellows. Well I'd say. I'd rather not say. None of them has class and look at all but that you like it. That's really something yeah oh wait I get that Corey in the ring my left never was better it's going to bore your party oh yeah I'll give him my bowl punch to the way I'll hit him so hard he'll think a truck hit him OK Henry that's enough right Corey. All right yeah. Featherweight how big are the feathers where you come from. I'm not fighting you I'm in the heavyweight class you must be fighting my kid brother Stork Corey thank you Henry I'm going to get my hands taped. See you later yeah. What's your name. Tiger Tiger Mulligan Oh OK Tiger. You and Stork in the ring together. This I got to see. I got. I'll be right back I got to get the gloves. Well the doctor finally passed me. Your story Corey how did you know I just guessed it I'm your opponent I'm Tiger Mulligan. Have you fought before. Sure I've I've fought plenty of times. You know I've fought before but never with boys. My sister is always beating up on me. Do you do you do you do you do you please don't do that but you make me nervous I see that forget anything. Smell like salt. My locker should be along here someplace. I mean you wear glasses when you fight. No but I need them to find my way to the ring. I'll help you. I'll help you. Dear I did it again. It's always happening at home every time I open a door I pull it right off the hinges. Father gets so cross. You do that with every door. Overdeveloped muscle. I take courts you know. No I didn't know it. I knew you were too good to be true. I'm a little self-conscious about the strength in my right arm. You know I destroyed three punching bags while training for this match. Something told me I should have settled for your brother. OK Mulligan Corey you're on. Here he is Mr Mulligan. Pop. Now take him fast son don't play with him. Tell you the truth I don't think I'm gonna have much time for play. Is mom here. No you know how women are she couldn't stand to watch you get her change your mind at the last minute. Me I'm tough. Come on Mulligan. Good luck son. That's my son. Yeah nice boy. Well I guess I better go up and get my seat don't want to miss this. I hate to miss this myself. I'll be back with the champ. I. Think. It's a matter of me I must be getting old that's it's been out of order for three weeks. Fight over. I can't take it I don't know what's happening I got so nervous when they started shaking hands. I wonder what's happening now. Stark must just took his roll ball. Let's start the first round. You know I've been down here for 40 years and I can tell everything that goes on up there just by looking at you. I've been down here for 40 years and I can tell everything that goes on up there just by listening to the crowd. Matter of fact. It's not up. Somebody. What are they so quiet about. Somebody's down. We. Who. What's that mean. I don't rightly know. Never heard laughing. I've heard laughing. Michael. No. I. Should watch this just a minute who won. But you said you didn't even like the punch that's right. You know we all had a few bits riding on you it's important for us to know what happened well I've been trying to tell you all Mr Brown you see this fellow Stark had a terrific right hand yeah yeah well he punched me in the nose my nose started to bleed the stork he was allergic to blood and he passed out the referee counted him out then he raised my hand I saw the blood and I passed out it's as simple as that. That's ridiculous. I tell you that's the way it happened Fred you mean to say that Stork just. Don't worry it's just a little blood. That's the way it happened Mr Brown just saw the blood. And that was the good word from the folks who bring our show to you next week and I don't want to leave you with the wrong impression that I was as weak as mom made me out to be because when the time comes that I'm too weak to even lift a little thing like. And I thought. I.