32 ELEMENTS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING line similar also to that of the current, as shown in Fig. 11 as <$. The e.m.f. generated hereby is proportional to the change of iLj and is thus a maximum where iL changes most rapidly, or at its zero point, and zero where iL is a maximum, and according to Lentz's law it is positive during falling and negative during rising current. Thus this generated e.m.f. is a wave following f the wave of current by the time t = -A > 1 where to is time of one complete period, = -v or by the time angle 6 = 90°. FIG. 11.—Self-induction effects produced by an alternating sine wave of current. This e.m.f. is called the counter e.m.f. of inductance. It is e/ = - L di = — 2 TT/L/O cos 2 irft. It is shown in dotted line in Fig. 11 as eV The quantity 2 wfL is called the inductive reactance of the circuit, and denoted by x. It is of the nature of a resistance, and expressed in ohms. If L is given in 109 absolute unite or henrys, x appears in ohms. The counter e.m.f. of inductance of the current, i = Jo sin 2 irft = Jo sin 0, of effective value r L . I = -.....~;r> IS •V/2 e\ = — x!Q cos 2 irft = — #Io cos ^, having a maximum value of X!Q and an effective value of