xvm CONTENTS PAGE 159. The Stanley type of inductor alternator—The Alexanderson high frequency inductor alternator for frequencies of 100,000 cycles and over.....................279 160. The Eickemeyer type of inductor machine with bipolar field— The converter from direct current to high frequency alternating current of the inductor type...............280 161. Alternating current excitation of inductor machine, and high frequency generation of pulsating amplitude. Its use as amplifier—Amplification of telephone currents by high fre- quency inductor in radio communication.........281 162. Polyphase excitation" of inductor, and the induction motor inductor frequency converter...............282 163. Inductor machine with reversing flux, and magneto communi- cation—Transformer potential regulator with magnetic com- mutation .......................284 164. The interlocking pole typo of field design in alternators and commutating machines.................286 165. Relation of inductor machine to reaction machine—Half syn- chronous operation of standard synchronous machine as inductor machine ...................287 CHAPTER XVIII. SURGING OF SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS. 166. Oscillatory adjustment of synchronous .motor to changed con- dition of load—Decrement of oscillation—Cumulative oscil- lation by negative decrement...............288 167. Calculation of equation of electromechanical resonance . . . 289 168. Special cases and example................292 169. Anti-surging devices and pulsation of power........293 170. Cumulative surging—Due to the lag of some effect behind its cause—Involving a frequency transformation of power . . . 296 CHAPTEB XIX. ALTERNATING CUERENT MOTORS IN GENERAL. 171. Types of alternating-current motors............300 172. Equations of coil revolving in an alternating field......302 173. General equations of altemating-curreat motor.......304 174. Polyphase induction motor, equations...........307 175. Polyphase induction motor, slip, power, torque.......310 176. Polyphase induction motor, characteristic constants . . . .312 177. Polyphase induction motor, example...........313 178. Singlephase induction motor, equations..........314 179. Singlephase induction motor, continued..........316 180. Singlephase induction motor, example...........318 181. Polyphase shunt motor, general.............319 182. Polyphase shunt motor, equations...........320 183. Polyphase shunt motor, adjustable speed motor......321 184. Polyphase shunt motor, synchronous speed motor.....323 185. Polyphase shunt motor, phase control by it........324 186. Polyphase shunt motor, short-circuit current under brushes . 327 187. Polyphase series motor, equations............327 188. Polyphase series motor, example . . . f....... . , 330