12 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS frequency of low motor speeds, thus meeting with a high resist- ance. With increasing motor speed and thus decreasing secondary frequency, the current penetrates deeper into the bar, until at full speed it passes practically uniformly throughout the entire bar, in a circuit of low resistance—but somewhat increased reactance. The deep-bar construction, the eddy-current starting device and the double squirrel-cage construction thus are very similar in the motor-performance curves, and the double squirrel cage, which usually is the most economical arrangement, thus will be discussed more fully in Chapter II. II. CONSTANT-SPEED OPERATION 8. The standard induction motor is essentially a constant-speed motor, that is, its speed is practically constant for all loads, decreasing slightly with increasing load, from synchronism at no-load. It thus has the same speed characteristics as the direct- current shunt motor, and in principle is a shunt motor. In the direct-current shunt motor, .the speed may be changed by: resistance in the armature, resistance in the field, change of the voltage supply to the armature by a multivolt supply circuit, as a three-wire system, etc. In the induction motor, the speed can be reduced by inserting resistance into the armature or secondary, just as in the direct- current shunt motor, and involving the same disadvantages: the reduction of speed by armature resistance takes place at a sacrifice of efficiency, and at the lower speed produced by arma- ture resistance, the power input is the same as it would be with the same motor torque at full speed, while the power output is reduced by the reduced speed. That is, speed reduction by armature resistance lowers the efficiency in proportion to the lowering of speed. The foremost disadvantage of speed control by armature resistance is, however, that the motor ceases to be a constant-speed motor, and the speed varies with the load: with a given value of armature resistance, if the load and with it the armature current drops to one-half, the speed reduction of the motor, from full speed, also decreases to one-half, that is, the motor speeds up, and if the load comes off, the motor runs up to practically full speed. Inversely, if the load increases, the speed slows down proportional to the load. With considerable resistance in the armature, the induction