SPEED CONTROL 17 Let, in an induction motor: y0 = g — jb = primary exciting admittance; ZQ = TO + JXQ = primary self-inductive impedance; Zi — TI + jxi = internal self-inductive impedance, at full frequency; and let the condenser, C, be inserted into the secondary circuit. The capacity reactance of C is 1 fc - 271-7(7 (1) k at full frequency, and - at the frequency of slip, 5. s The total secondary impedance, at slip, s, thus is: k\ i* = ri + j (W - -) and the secondary current: sE se (2) (3) where: = E Oi — m * (4) The further calculation of the condenser motor, then, is the same as that of the standard motor.1 12. Neglecting the exciting current: 7oo = EY the primary current equals the secondary current: and the primary impressed voltage thus is: 1 " Theoretical Elements of Electrical Engineering," 4th edition, p. 318. 2