i! 58 •ELECTRICAL APPARATUS In the synchronous motor, Fig. 21, D, produced from the induc- tion motor, Fig. 21, C, it is: Let: 70 == g — ft = primary exciting admittance of the induction machine, ZQ = r0 + jxo = primary self-inductive impe- dance, Zi = ri + j#i = secondary self-inductive im- pedance. / — ........... v \ r A A / v ..... /v-v— AT- i \ — v\ A A / V^ A^ V N / AAAr- -A/W— •M/V— -A/W— FIG. 21.—Starting of induction motor and conversion to synchronous. The secondary resistance, n, is that of the field exciting winding, thus does not further come into consideration in calculating the motor curves, except in the efficiency, as I^TI is the loss of power in the field, if i\ = field exciting current. Xi is of little further importance, as the frequency is zero. It represents the magnetic leakage between the synchronous motor poles. r<) is the armature resistance and XQ the armature self-inductive reactance of the synchronous machine. However, XQ is not the synchronous impedance, which enters the equation of the synchronous machine, but is only the self- inductive part of it, or the true armature self-inductance. The