76 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS With the same rotor diameter of the induction machine, the pole pitch would be increased inverse proportional to the number of poles, and the exciting susceptance decreased with the square thereof, thus giving the constants: YQ = g -jb =0.02 -0.54J; ZQ = r0+jxQ = 0.1 + 0.3.?; Z1 = n +3x1 = 0.1 + 0.3;. Assuming as synchronous motor synchronous impedance, reduced to full frequency: Z2 = r,+ jx2 = 0.02 + 0.2 j this gives, for s = 0.05: Z« = (n + r2) + ja (xl + x,) = 0.12 + 0.025 j, and: and from (14): Z'. = r' + jx' =— = 2.4 + 0.5 j, o Z = r+jx = 0.84 + 1.4 j, E = 1.32 - 1.29 f v 1.84 thus: 3T9 = ^50° "" °-84{/0 "" L4*"<>)2 + (L4i/o ~~ 0.84 ^'0)2, (28) and the power output : p = //0(0.836 + 0.048 j) - (10 - 270 j), (508 - 32 j) - /0 (0.241 + 0.326 j) A (29) 51. Fig. 29 shows the load curves of the concatenated couple, under the condition that the synchronous-motor excitation and thus its nominal induced voltage, 62, is varied so as to maintain unity power-factor at all loads, that is: *'"o = 0; this gives from equation (28): 62* 3.39 = (500 - 0.84^0)2 + 1.96 iV,