I * 84 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS ^ I seen, power-factor and apparent efficiency rise to high values, and I I even the efficiency is higher than in the straight induction motor. !| . i> However, at light-load the power-factor and thus the apparent -*\ ' \ efficiency falls off, very much in the same manner as in the con- f\ \ Induction Motor with Condenser in Secondary Circuit '! ! 55. As a condenser consumes leading, that is, produces lagging I reactive current, it can be used to supply the lagging component j of current of the induction motor and thereby improve the power-factor. / Shunted across the motor terminals, the condenser consumes a p constant current, at constant impressed voltage and frequency, J'i and as the lagging component of induction-motor current in- /i creases with the load, the characteristics of the combination of , / motor and shunted condenser thus change from leading current f< at no-load, over unity power-factor to lagging current at overload. II As the condenser is an external apparatus, the characteristics of j,( the induction motor proper obviously are not changed by a | shunted condenser. As illustration is shown, in Fig. 32, the slow-speed induction motor Fig. 20, shunted by a condenser of 125 kva. per phase. Fig. 32 gives efficiency, T?, power-factor, p, and apparent efficiency, 7, of the combination of motor and condenser, assuming an efficiency of the condenser of 99.5 per cent., that is, 0.5 per cent. loss in the condenser, or Z = 0.0025 — 0.5 j, that is, a condenser just neutralizing the magnetizing current. However, when using a condenser in shunt, it must be realized that the current consumed by the condenser is proportional to the frequency, and therefore, if the wave of impressed voltage is greatly distorted, that is, contains considerable higher harmonics —especially harmonics of high order—the condenser may produce considerable higher-frequency currents, and thus by distortion