SINGLE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR 175 If by overload the main motor, So, drops out of step and slows down, the slowing down of Pi starts Si, and with it the brushes, J3o, at the proper differential speed, and so carries full torque down to standstill, that is, there is no actual dropping out of the motor, but merely a slowing down by overload. The disadvantage of this motor type is the sparking at the commutator, by the short-circuiting of primary coils during the passage of the brush from segment to segment. This would require the use of methods of controlling the sparking, such as used in the single-phase commutator motors of the series type, etc. It was the difficulty of controlling the sparking, which side-tracked this type of motor in the early days, and later, with the extensive introduction of polyphase supply, the single-phase motor problem had become less important.