SYNCHRONOUS INDUCTION GENERATOR 207 overcompounds, at constant-exciter field excitation, and if the stator and the rotor impedance drops are equal, the machine compounds for constant voltage. In such a machine, by properly choosing the stator and rotor impedances, automatic rise, decrease or constancy of the terminal voltage with the load can be produced. This, however, applies only to non-inductive load. If the current, I, differs in phase from the generated e.m.f., E} the corresponding current, Is, also differs; but a lagging component of Ii corresponds to a leading component in I2, since the stator circuit slips behind, the rotor circuit is driven ahead of the rotating magnetic field, and inversely, a leading component of /i gives a lagging component of /2. The reactance voltage of the lagging current in one circuit is opposite to the reactance voltage of the leading current in the other circuit, therefore does not neutralize it, but adds, that is, instead of compounding, regulates in the wrong direction. 123. The automatic compounding of the synchronous induc- tion generator with low-frequency synchronous-motor excitation so fails if the load is not non-inductive. Let: Zi — ri + jxi = stator self-inductive impedance, Z2 = r2 + jx% = rotor self-inductive impedance, reduced to the stator circuit by the ratio of the effective turns, t = 2, and the n\ ratio of frequencies, a = /; ZQ — TO + j#o = synchronous impedance of the synchronous- motor exciter; Ei = terminal voltage of the stator, chosen as real axis, = 61; EQ = nominal generated e.m.f. of the synchronous-motor exciter, reduced to the stator circuit; E = generated e.m.f. of the synchronous-induction generator stator circuit, or the rotor circuit reduced to the stator circuit. The actual e.m.f. generated in the rotor circuit then is Ef = taE, and the actual nominal generated e.m.f. of the synchronous exciter is 25"o = taEv. Let; /! = i — fa = current in the stator circuit, or the output current of the machine,