210 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS For the constants: eQ = 2000 volts. Zl = 0.1 + 0.3 j. £2= 1 + 0.5J. ZQ = 0.5 + 0.5 j. a = 0.067. t = 1, that is, the same number of turns in stator and rotor Then: Zz = 1.6 + 1.3 j andZ4 = 1.4 + 0.7.7*. Hence, substituting in equation (9): ei = \/4 X 106 - (0.7 i+1.6 *i)2 + 1.4 i - 1.3' 2GOO 2400 2200 2000 1800 1COO 1400 1200 5 -9 ^| ^-— ' — «*. -^ S> •••"'"" "*** X X X s ^N, \ x \ \ ^N N s X S S->. '•>.-. X "X «• •* — •"•—._ ^ -<- — L EAO \ AC- >" 0-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9 FIG. 66.—Synchronous induction generator, voltage regulation with power- factor of load. thus, for non-inductive load, ?"i = 0: 0i = \/4 X 106 - 0.49 t2 + 1.4 i] for inductive load of 80 per cent, power-factor ii = 0.6 7; i = 0.8 7: 61 = \/4 X 106 - 2.31 J2 + 0.34 7; and for anti-inductive load of 80 per cent, power-factor ii = -0.6 7; i = 0.87: ei = \/4 X 106 - 0.1672 + 1.9 I. Comparing the curves of this example with those of the same machine driven as frequency converter with exciter generator,