238 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS tage, e0, but the alternating current, i, is as shown in Fig. 81 as i. If the circuit is inductive, vicious sparking occurs in this case with open-circuit rectification, as the brush when leaving the FIG. 81.—Voltage and current waves in open-circuit rectifier on non-induc- tive load. commutator segment must suddenly interrupt the current. That is, the current does not stop suddenly, but continues to flow as an arc at the commutator surface, and also, when making con- FIG. 82.—Voltage and current wave in open-circuit rectifier on inductive load, showing sparking. tact between brush and segment, the current does not instantly reach full value, but gradually, and the current wave thus is as shown as i and i0 in Fig. 82, where the shaded area is the arcing current at the commutator. Sparkless rectification may be produced in a circuit of moderate