SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFIER 247 current in one half coil, and no unidirectional magnetization re- sults in the transformer. In the contact-making rectifier, Fig. 98, the two halves of the rectified circuit, or battery, B, alternately receive the two suc- cessive half waves of the transformer, T. The voltage and current waves of the rectifier, Fig. 97, are shown in Fig. 100. e is the voltage wave of the alternating sup- FIG. 100.—Voltage and current waves of contact-making rectifier with, direct-current rotor. ply source,,from a to b. e\ and e2 then are the voltage waves of the two half coils, am and bm, i: and i2 the two currents in these two half coils, and io the rectified current, and voltage in the circuit from m to c. The current, ii, in the one, and, i%, in the other half coil, naturally has magnetically the same effect on lie pri- mary, as the current, ii + i%.= i0, in one half coil, or the current, io/2 = i, in the whole coil, ab, would have. Thus it may be said : in the (full-wave) contact-making rectifier, Fig. 97, the rectified