248 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS voltage, e0, is one-half th& alternating voltage, e, and the rectified current, i0, is twice the alternating current, i. However, the i*r in the secondary coil, ab, is greater, by V2, than it would be with the alternating cur- rent, i = iQ/2. Inversely, in the contact-making rectifier, Fig. 98,' the rectified voltage is twice the alternating voltage, the rectified current half the alternating current. Contact-making rectifiers of the type Fig. 97 ^re extensively used as arc recti- fiers, more particularly the mercury-arc rectifier shown diagrammatically in Fig. FIG. 101.—Mercury- 101. This may be compared with Fig. 97. That is, the making of contact during one half wave, and opening it during the reverse half wave, is accomplished not by mechanical syn- chronous rotation, but by the use of the arc as unidirec- hP-HH arc rectifier, making. contact FIG. 102.—Diagram of mercury-arc rectifier with its reactances. tional conductor:1 with the voltage gradient in one direc- tion, the arc conducts; with the reverse voltage gradient 1 See Chapter II of "Theory and Calculation of Electric Circuits."