SURGING OF SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS hence, for small values of s: 291 dM dt' dt vSince: (6) and from (5): it is: d8 s = de' ds _ d2d de ~~ cW1 dM (7) Since, as discussed, the change of momentum equals the dif- ference between produced and consumed power, the excess of power being converted into momentum, it' is: p-n-f. (8, and, substituting (4) and (7) into (8) and rearranging: II = 0- (9) Assuming 5 as a small angle, that is, considering only small oscillations, it is: . 6 § sin g = 2* sin \a — ft — s = sin (a — /5); hence, substituted in (18): — 8 sin (a — /3) + 4 irfMo -^ = 0, and, substituting:- a = eep sin (a (10) (ID (12)