320 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS III Without losing in generality of the problem, we can, therefore, assume the stator e.m.fs. in phase with the rotor e.m.fs., and the polyphase shunt motor can thus be represented diagrammatically by Fig. 152. 182. Let, in the polyphase shunt motor, shown two-phase in diagram, Fig. 152: EQ and — jEQj I0 and —jlo, Z0 = impressed e.m.fs., currents and self-inductive impedance respectively of the stator circuits, cEQ and —jcE0} Ii and —j/i, Zi = impressed e.m.fs., currents and self-inductive impedance respectively of the rotor circuits, reduced to the stator circuits by the ratio of effective turns, c, Z = mutual-inductive impedance, S = speed; hence s = 1 — S = slip, 0 = position angle between stator and rotor circuits, or "brush angle." It is then: Stator: Rotor: c#o= - + Z Substituting: it is: and: Herefrom follows: + Z (/o - Ji cos 0 - ,?/! sin 19). (72) •Jo cos 0 + jh sin 0) - jSZ ( — jli + Jo sin 0 + jlo cos 0). (73) Jo = for c = o, this gives: • ff 5 + + = cos 6 — j sin 6, = cos 9 + j sin 5, a-5 = 1, Z (Jo - 8/0, Z (/! - cr/o) + JSZ O'/i - j