SINGLE-PHASE COMMUTA TOR MOTORS 385 10. Rotor-excited series motor with conductive compensation: e = Ei + c2#2 + c3#3; /2 = c2/i; 73 = c3/i; /o = 0. 11. Rotor-excited series motor with inductive compensation: e = #1 + c3$3; #2 = 0; /o = 0; J3 = c3/!. Numerous other combinations can be made and have been proposed. All of these motors have series characteristics, that is, a speed increasing with decrease of load. _ __ (1) to (8) contain only one set of brushes on the armature; (9) to (11) two sets of brushes in quadrature. Motors with shunt characteristic, that is, a speed which does not vary greatly with the load, and reaches such FlG 187 a definite limiting value at no-load that the motor can be considered a constant-speed motor, can also be derived from the above equations. For instance: Compensated shunt motor (Fig. 187) : #1 = 0; c2#2 = c8#8 = e; /0 - 0. In general, a series characteristic results, if the field-exciting circuit and the armature energy circuit are connected in series with each other directly or inductively, or related to each other so that the currents in the two circuits are more or less propor- tional to each other. Shunt characteristic results, if the voltage impressed upon the armature energy circuit, and the field excita- tion, or rather the magnetic field flux, whether produced or in- duced by the internal reactions of the motor, are constant, or, more generally, proportional to each other. Repulsion Motor As illustration of the application of these general equations, paragraph 212, may be considered the theory of the repylsion motor (5), in Fig. 186. 214. Assuming in the following the armature of the repulsion motor as short-circuited upon itself, and applying to the motor the equations (1) to (6), the four conditions characteristic of the repulsion motor are: