SINGLE-PHASE COMMUTATOR MOTORS 387 from (8) follows, by substituting (14) and rearranging: h = (15) 1 + Xi - X4S2 and, substituting (15) in (14), gives: I =XI fa- J&4) (1 + Xi - X4/S2)+JSA - S2cQ- X4j£ (SA + jcp) or, canceling terms of secondary order in the numerator: •* /I O2N T XT Co U — & ) 44 = X4/2- (16) 1 + Xi - X4S2 Equation (7) gives, substituting (10) and rearranging: I2 (Z8 + Z') - IiZ7 - I4c0Z = e. (17) Substituting (15) and (16) herein, and rearranging, gives: Primary Current: T e(l + \i -1S%) f . 12 __ ~~~ZK ' where: X = (A3~jSc0)+Xi(A3+A)-X4(>S2A3-S2Co+co2--jSco), (19) and: A3 = ~|3J (20) or, since approximately: A, = Co2, . (21) it is: K = (A3 - jSco) + Xi (c02 + A) - X4c0 (c0 - jS). (22) Substituting (18), (19), (20) in (15) and (16), gives: Secondary Current: \ . , JSCO . a I r, , .?Co\ 1 (23) Brush Short-circuit Current: _ (24)