r, I ! 410 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Substituting these trigonometric values into the expression (121) of the voltage ratio for minimum commutation current, it is: __ j^ sin (o- — 3) u •—-• „ (127) Substituting (117) into (106) and expanding gives a relatively simple value, since most terms eliminate: J0 = e {[cos2 (a — d) + b\ (sin a sin (a — 5) — cos 5)] y [ sin (0- — 8) cos (cr — 6) — &X4 (sin cr cos (cr — g) —• sin 3)]} (1 — c0X4, (GO and the absolute value: * e ^ CQS ^ "" ^ "" cos (128) (129) "0 ri A i CQ& [ 1 — CoA4J or, resubstituting for a and 8: , = ^X^-co^-X/)} f . ^0 n *y fl /> \ 1 {/* 2 -.1-- C2^ ' ^lOUy CQ^/ [JL CoA4J ^Co "T" ^ / From (129) and (130) follows, that iffQ = 0, or the commutation current vanishes, if: cos (a — <5) — 6X4 cos (7 = 0, (131) or: SX"4 - co (X426 - V4) = 0. This gives, substituting, X;/4 = A/X42 — XX42, and expanding: {&X4c02ąJ Co2 + Co2 (62X42"::.....1)7 COS (cr — 5) = Vc02 + S2 From (131) follows: cos (cr — d) = 6X4 cos a. Since cos (a — 5) must be less than one, this means: 6X4 COS cr < 1, or: 1 (132) X4< b cos or: X4< or, inversely: Cob S > Co V62X42 - 1. (133)