xvi CONTENTS PA OK 132. Numerical instance—Inductive load—Discussion and com- parisons with monocyclic square.............223 133. Series connection of induction phase converter in single-phase induction motor railway—Discussion of its regulation .... 220 134. Synchronous phase converter and single-phase generation— Control of the unbalancing of voltage due to single-phase load, by stationary induction phase balancing with reverse rotation of its polyphase system—Synchronous phase balancer. . . . 227 135. Limitation of single-phase generator by heating of armature coils—By double frequency pulsation of armature reaction— Use of squirrel cage winding in field—Its size—Its effect on the momentary short circuit current.............229 136. Limitation of the phase converter in distributing single-phase load into a balanced polyphase system—Solution of the problem by the addition of a synchronous phase balancer to the synchronous phase converter—Its construction.......230 137. The various methods of taking care of large single-phase loads— Comparison of single-phase generator with polyphase generator and phase converter—Apparatus economy.........232 CHAPTER XV.. SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFIERS. 138. Rectifiers for battery charging—For arc lighting—The arc ma- chine as rectifier—Rectifiers for compounding alternators— For starting synchronous motors—Rectifying commutator— Differential current and sparking on inductive load—Re- sistance bipass—Application to alternator and synchronous motor........................234 139. Open circuit and short circuit rectification—Sparking with open circuit rectification on inductive load, and shift of brushes........................237 140. Short circuit rectification on non-inductive and on inductive load, and shift of brushes—Rising differential current and flash- ing around the commutator—Stability limit of brush position, between sparking and flashing—Commutating c.m.f. resulting from unsymmetrical short circuit voltage at brush shift-— Sparkless rectification.................239 141. Short circuit commutation in high inductance, open circuit commutation in low inductance circuits—Use of double brush to vary short circuit—Effect of load—Thomson Houston arc machine—Brush arc machine—Storage battery charging . . 243 142. Reversing and contact making rectifier—Half wave rectifier and its disadvantage by unidirectional magnetization of trans- former—The two connections full wave contact making recti- fiers—Discussion of the two types of full wave rectifiers— The mercury arc rectifier................245 143. Rectifier with intermediary segments—Polyphase rectifica- tion—Star connected;.ring connected and independent phase