CHAPTER III CONCATENATION Cascade or Tandem Control of Induction Motors 28. If of two induction motors the secondary of the first motor is connected to the primary of the second motor, the second machine operates as a motor with the voltage and frequency impressed upon it by the secondary of the first machine. The first machine acts as general alternating-current transformer or frequency converter (see Chapter XII), changing a part of the primary impressed power into secondary electrical power for the supply of the second machine, and a part into mechanical work. The frequency of the secondary voltage of the first motor, and thus the frequency impressed upon the second motor, is the fre- quency of slip below synchronism, s. The frequency of the secondary of the second motor is the difference between its im- pressed frequency, s, and its speed. Thus, if both motors are connected together mechanically, to turn at the same speed, 1 — Sj and have the same number of poles, the secondary fre- quency of the second motor is 2 s — 1, hence equal to zero at s = 0.5. That is, the second motor reaches its synchronism at half speed. 'At this speed, its torque becomes zero, the power component of its primary current, and thus the power com- ponent of the secondary current of the first motor, and thus also the torque of the first motor becomes zero. That is, a system of two concatenated equal motors, with short-circuited secondary of the second motor, approaches half synchronism at no-load, in the same manner as a single induction motor approaches synchronism. With increasing load, the slip below half syn- chronism increases. In reality, at half synchronism, s = 0.5, there is a slight torque produced by the first motor, as the hysteresis energy current of the second motor comes from the secondary of the first motor, and therein, as energy current, produces a small torque. More generally, any pair of induction motors connected in concatenation divides the speed so that the sum of their two