104 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS El = JiZ and E» = /2Z Z Z and the phase angle between EI and $2 is given by: r? [ 2^ m (cos 0 + j sin <£) = ^-T~^- (34) (35) Denoting the absolute values of the voltages and currents by small letters, it is: T = &ei62 sin 0; (36) in the motor as quarter-phase motor, with voltage, e0, impressed per circuit, it is: To = 6eo2, (37) hence, the torque ratio: t = -122 sin 0. (38) The current per circuit, in the machine as quarter-phase motor, is: io = ~> (39) z ^ J hence the volt-amperes: Qo = 2e0^o, (40) while the volt-amperes of the single-phase motor, inclusive start- ing impedances, are: Q = e0i, (41) thus: i iz and, the apparent torque eflB.ciency of the starting device: (43) ^ J 68. As an instance, consider the motor of effective impedance: Z = r +jx = 0.1 + 0.3 j, z = 0.316, thus: