122 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS it is: 61 = 4.732, capacity, 61 = 6.196, capacity, 62 = —1.268, capacity, 62 = 4.196, inductance. It is, by (86) and (92) thus: t = 1, as was to be expected. 7s = e (g - jV), is = e vV + b* = 3.16 e] it is, however, by (87) : 7 = 6(30-jb); thus: i = 4.243 e, i = 9.06 e, and by (89) : q = 0.448, q = 0.956, thus: v = 2.232, v = 1.046. ' Further discussion of the various single-phase induction motor- starting devices, and also a discussion of the acceleration of the motor with the starting device, and the interference or non-inter- ference of the starting device with the quadrature flux and thus torque produced in the motor by the rotation of the armature, is given in a paper on the " Single-phase Induction Motor," A. I. E. E. Transactions, 1898, page 35, and a supplementary paper on "Notes on Single-phase Induction Motors," A. I. E. E. Trans- actions, 1900, page 25.