132 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS comes very large near synchronism, and from slip, s - 0.025, up to synchronism the average current remains practically con- stant, thus at synchronism is very much higher than the current at constant frequency. The average torque also drops some- what below the torque corresponding to constant frequency, as shown in the upper part of Fig, 50. 3. LOAD AND STABILITY 82. At constant voltage and constant frequency the torque of the polyphase induction motor is a maximum at some definite speed and decreases with increase of speed over that correspond- ing to the maximum torque, to zero at synchronism; it also de- creases with decrease of speed from that at the maximum torque point, to a minimum at standstill, the starting torque. This maximum torque point shifts toward lower speed with increase of the resistance in the secondary circuit, and the starting torque thereby increases. Without additional resistance inserted in the secondary circuit the maximum torque point, however, lies at fairly high speed not very far below synchronism, 10 to 20 per cent, below synchronism with smaller motors of good effi- ciency. Any value of torque between the starting torque and the maximum torque is reached at two different speeds. Thus in a three-phase motor having the following constants: impressed e.m.f., e0 = 110 volts; exciting admittance, Y = 0.01 — O.lj; primary impedance, ZQ = 0.1 + 0.3 j, and secondary impedance, Zi — 0.1 + 0.3 j, the torque of 5.5 synchronous kw. is reached at 54 per cent, of synchronism and also at the speed of 94 per cent, of synchronism, as seen in Fig. 51. When connected to a load requiring a constant torque, irre- spective of the speed, as when pumping water against a constant head by reciprocating pumps, the motor thus could carry the load at two different speeds, the two points of intersection of the horizontal line, L, in Fig. 51, which represents the torque con- sumed by the load, and the motor-torque curve, D. Of these two points, d and c, the lower one, d, represents unstable con- ditions of operation; that is, the motor can not operate at this speed, but either stops or runs up to the higher speed point, c, at which stability is reached. At the lower speed, d, a momen- tary decrease of speed, as by a small pulsation of voltage, load, etc., decreases the motor torque, D, below the torque, L, required by the load, thus causes the motor to slow down, but in doing