182 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS and separating the real and imaginary quantities : ~-j (r0 (ri + r) a Z]c - j -^-g Oo(xi + x) — £ fa + r)) + (r0b - E00) ' , L Ct 2» & * J J + r , ffi • r^^i + *) . 6i i -J- + Kj- , L-^^F- + -J I' Neglecting the exciting current, or rather considering it as a separate and independent shunt circuit outside of the trans- former, as can approximately b3 done, and assuming the primary impedance reduced to the secondary circuit as equal to the secondary impedance : Y - n ^° - 7 / o — u, ™ — x/i. Substituting this in the equations of the general transformer we get: #o = n0e 1 1 + —2 [ri fa + r) + sxl (XL + x)] I %k - ^ [an (a* + *)-*i (f! + r)] }» 106. The true power is, in symbolic representation: P = denoting : -. w gives: Secondary output of the transformer: / 2 Pi = Will}1 = (~^\ r = sro;