202 and: ELECTRICAL APPARATUS e = e.m.f. generated in the stator by the mutual inductive magnetic field, that is, by the magnetic flux corresponding to the exciting admittance, FI ; and : I — total current, or current supplied to the external circuit, Ji = stator current, J2 = rotor current. With series connection of stator and rotor: I = I, = 72, with parallel connection of stator and rotor: Using the equations of the general induction machine, the slip of the secondary circuit or rotor is : o = __1 • A — i , the exciting admittance of the rotor is : ^"2 = g - jsb = g + jb, and the rotor generated e.m.f. : E'z = se = — e; that is, the rotor must be connected to the stator in the opposite direction to that in which it would be connected at standstill, or in a stationary transformer. That is, magnetically, the power components of stator and rotor current neutralize each other. Not so, however, the reactive components, since the reactive component of the rotor current : J2 = ;'2 + ji\ in its reaction on the stator is reversed, by the reversed direction of relative rotation, or the slip, 5 = — 1, and the effect of the rotor current, 1%, on the stator circuit accordingly corresponds to: J'2 =i'2-#"2; hence, the total magnetic effect is: