206 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS exciter is a synchronous motor, and the synchronous-induction generator produces power in the stator and in the rotor circuit. In this case, the power is produced by the generated e.m.f., E (e.m.f. of mutual induction, or of the rotating magnetic field), of the induction machine, and energy flows outward in both circuits, in the stator into the receiving circuit, of terminal voltage, Eij in the rotor against the impressed e.m.f. of the synchronous motor exciter, EQ. The voltage of one receiving- circuit, the stator, therefore, is controlled by a voltage impressed upon another receiving circuit, the rotor, and this results in some interesting effects in voltage regulation. Assume the voltage, EQ, impressed upon the rotor circuit as the nominal generated e.m.f. of the synchronous-motor exciter, that is, the field corresponding to the exciter field excitation, and assume the field excitation of the exciter, and therewith the voltage, EQ, to be maintained constant. Reducing all the voltages to the stator circuit by the ratio of their effective turns and the ratio of their respective frequencies, the same e.m.f., E, is generated in the rotor circuit as in the stator circuit of the induction machine. At no-load, neglecting the exciting current of the induction machine, that is, with no current, we have EQ = E = EI. If a load is put on the stator circuit by taking a current, I, from the same, the terminal voltage, EI, drops below the gene- rated e.m.f., Ej by the drop of voltage in the impedance, Z\, of the stator circuit. Corresponding to the stator current, /i, a current, I2, then exists in the rotor circuit, giving the same ampere-turns as Ji, in opposite direction, and so neutralizing the m.m.f. of the stator (as in any transformer). This current, Jo, exists in the synchronous motor, and the synchronous motor e.m.f., EQ, accordingly drops below the generated e.rn.L, E, of the rotor, or, since EQ is maintained constant, E rises above EQ with increasing load, by the drop of voltage in the rotor impedance, Z2, and the synchronous impedance, Z0, of the exciter. That is, the stator terminal voltage, EI, drops with increasing load, by the stator impedance drop, and rises with increasing load by the rotor and exciter impedance drop, since the latter causes the generated e.m.f., E, to rise. If then the impedance drop in the rotor circuit is greater than that in the stator, with increasing load the terminal voltage, EI, of the machine rises, that is, the machine automatically