278 ELECTRICAL APPARA TUX and the flux in the field pole, thus, is: f ° \ p. hence the total magnetic flux of the machine, of 2 p poles: $ = 2p$o(l + "P-V (9) 2 PI As in (6), pi is small compared with p2,---------in (6) differs P2 —• PI little from ™ in (9). That is: P2 As regards to the total magnetic flux required for the induc- tion of the same voltage in the same armature, no material difference exists between the inductor machine and the standard machine; but in the armature teeth the inductor machine requires more than twice the maximum magnetic flux of the standard . 137. — Stanley inductor alternator. alternator, and thereby is at a disadvantage where the limit of magnetic density in the armature is set only by magnetic saturation. As regards to the hysteresis loss in the armature of the in- ductor alternator, the magnetic cycle is an unsyrnmetrical cycle, between two values of the same direction, BI and B2j and the loss therefore is materially greater than it would be with a symmetrical cycle of the same amplitude. It is given by: where: w = 770 770 •4 _j