290 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS hence the current: I = - {[e0 cos a — e cos (a + /3 + 5)] z — j[e<> sin a — e sin (a + fi + <5)]} = Jo + y sin I (sin (a + ft + |) + j cos(a + 0 + |) [ (3) the power: /a P = - {e0 COS (a — |3 — 6) — e cos a} 2! D , 2eeQ . 5 . / 0 S\ ,A. = p0 + __ sm ^ sm ^ _ 0 _ ^-j . (4) Let now: #o = mean velocity (linear, at radius of gyration) of syn- chronous machine; s = slip, or decrease of velocity, as fraction of VQ, where s is a (periodic) function of time; hence v = VQ (1 — s) = actual velocity, at time, t. During the time element, dt, the position of the synchronous motor armature regarding the impressed e.m.f., eo, and thereby the phase angle, ft + d, of e, changes by: where: and Let: (5) 0 = 2 vft, f = frequency of impressed e.m.f., e0. m = mass of revolving machine elements, and M o = J^j Wo2 = mean mechanical momentum, reduced to joules or watt-seconds; then the momentum at time, t, and velocity v = VQ (1 — s) is: M = M ^o2 (1 - s)2, and the change of momentum during the time element, dt, is: dM _- cfe