296 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS i: hence: 5 = e-be[A and, substituting the trigonometric for the exponential functions, gives ultimately: 6 = #e~6*cos (00 + 7). (25) That is, the motor steadies down with an oscillation of period: /o = Of sin (a - /S) (c2 + pP0)2 4 TrzMo 64 x2M02 and decrement or attenuation constant: (26) (27) 170. It follows, however, that under the conditions considered, a cumulative surging, or an oscillation with continuously increas- ing amplitude, can not occur, but that a synchronous motor, when displaced in phase from its mean position, returns thereto either aperiodically, if Z>2 > a, or with an oscillation of vanishing amplitude, if J>2 < a. At the worst, it may oscillate with constant amplitude, if b = 0. Cumulative surging can, therefore, occur only if in the differ- ential equation (19): de (28) the coefficient, b, is negative. Since c2, representing the induction motor torque of the damp- ing device, etc., is positive, and pP0 is also positive (p being the exponent of power variation with speed), this presupposes —h2 the existence of a third and negative term, 5 ,..,, , in 6: O TTjlKtQ , _ c2 + pP0 -A2. (M) A This negative term represents a power: P2 = _fc2s. (30) that is, a retarding torque during slow speed, or increasing /3, and accelerating torque during high speed, or decreasing /?. The source, of this torque may be found external to the motor, or internal, in its magnetic circuit. V,