ALTERNATING-CURRENT MOTORS 305 S = speed, as fraction of synchronism, that is, ratio of fre- quency of rotation to frequency of alternation. It is then: E.m.f. consumed by self-inductive impedance, ZQ!Q. E.m.f. consumed by mutual-inductive impedance, Z (J0 + /i cos r) since the m.m.f. acting in the direction of the axis of the stationary coil is the resultant of both currents. Hence: #o = Zo/o + Z (Jo + ll cos r). (3) In the rotating circuit, it is: ; E.m.f. consumed by self-inductive impedance, Zifi. I E.m.f. consumed by mutual-inductive impedance or "e.m.f. of ? alternation'7: Zr (Ji + 70 cos r). (4) | E.m.f. of rotation, -jSZ"IQ sin r. (5) I Hence the impressed e.m.f.: j E, = zji + Z1 (II + Jo cos T) -jSZ"Iv sin r. (6) ;;„:/ In a structure with uniformly distributed winding, as used in induction motors, etc., Zr = Z" = Z, that is, the exciting im- pedance is the same in all directions. Z is the reciprocal of the "exciting admittance/' Y of the in- duction-motor theory. In the most general ease, of a motor containing n circuits, of which some are revolving, some stationary, if: &, Ik) %k = impressed e.m.f., current and self-inductive im- pedance respectively of any circuit, k. Z1, and Zu = exciting impedance parallel and at right angles respectively to the axis of a circuit, i, Tjf = space angle between the axes of coils k and i} and S = speed, as fraction of synchronism, or -"frequency of rotation.77 It is then, in a coil, i: Et = Zili + Z^h cos rfc« - jSZ" ^ /* sin Tjb*, (7) i i where: ZiJi = e.m.f. of self-inductive impedance; (8) n Z^klk COST*:* = e.m.f. of alternation; (9) "1' /£'. = - jSZu}kIk sin T// = e.m.f. of rotation; (10) i which latter = 0 in a stationary coil, in which S = 0. 20