306 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS The power output of the motor is the sum of the powers of all the e.m.fs. of rotation, hence, in vector denotation: i i and herefrom the torque, in synchronous watts: D = ~ = - F [jZu fk h sin rk\ I j1. o — i The power input, in vector denotation, is: Po = ft [Ei, and therefore: (11) (12) (13) Po1 = true power input; Po7' = wattless volt-ampere input; Q — vPo1 + Po? = apparent, or volt-ampere input; P «--: = ejfficiency; jTo ^ = apparent efficiency; V ~-.. = torque efficiency; Jr o D Q = apparent torque efficiency; Po1 . , -y == power-i actor. y From the ?i circuits, i = 1, 2 . . .71, thus result n linear equations, with 2 n- complex variables, /; and jg?t-. Hence n further conditions must be given to determine the variables. These obviously are the conditions of operation of the n circuits. Impressed e.m.fs. Ei may be given. Or circuits closed upon themselves #* = 0. Or circuits connected in parallel dE* = CkEkj where c* and c&