ALTERNATING-CURRENT MOTORS 307 are the reduction factors of the circuits to equal number of effective turns, as discussed before. Or circuits connected in series: ™ = — > etc. Ci. Ck When a rotating circuit is connected through a commutator, the frequency of the current in this circuit obviously is the same as the impressed frequency. Where, however, a rotating circuit Is permanently closed upon itself, its frequency may differ from the impressed frequency, as, for instance, in the polyphase in- duction motor it is the frequency of slip, s = 1 — S, and the self -inductive reactance of the circuit, therefore, is sx; though in its reaction upon the stationary system the rotating system nee- essarily is always of full frequency. As an illustration of this method, its application to the theory of some motor types shall be considered, especially such motors as have either found an extended industrial application, or have 1 . at least been seriously considered. 1. POLYPHASE INDUCTION MOTOR 174. In the polyphase induction motor a number of primary circuits, displaced in position from each other, are excited by polyphase e.m.fs. displaced in phase from each other by a phase angle equal to the position angle of the coils. A number of sec- ondary circuits are closed upon themselves. The primary usu- ally is the stator, the secondary the rotor. In this case the secondary system always offers a resultant closed circuit in the direction of the axis of each primary coil, irrespective of its position. Let us assume two primary circuits in quadrature as simplest form, and the secondary system reduced to the same number of phases and the same number of turns per phase as the primary system. With three or more primary phases the method of procedure and the resultant equations are essentially the same. Let, in the motor shown diagrammatically in Fig. 148: $0 and — j#o, /o and — j/o, ^o = impressed e.m.f., currents and self-inductive impedance respectively of the primary system. 0, /i and •— j/i? Zi = impressed e.m.f., currents and self-in- ductive impedance respectively of the secondary system, reduced to the primary. Z = mutual-inductive impedance between primary and secondary, constant in all directions.