SINGLE-PHASE COMMUTATOR MOTORS 401 Substituting now (85) respectively (87), (88) into (78), (81) (84), and into: rrj/ ' C"7 / T T \ M-jSZfoJi-tt, (89) gives the Equations of the Series Repulsion Motor: K - A3- jSc0 — X4c0 (co - jS) -f approximately: K = c0 (1 - c0X4) (c0 - jS). Inducing, or Compensator Current: /2 = " i*_ approximately: 0 et(l - X2) ~" CoZ (1 — 00X4) (Co —^*S) CoZ (1 — 00X4) Armature, or Secondary Current: — ^JJ- r" approximately: II — 7 (1 — 00X4) ICo —' J>S Brush Short-circuit Current: •r CAd ! •*• • ni / -t t -c0X4) approximately : Commutation Current: approximately : (1 — £0X4) I Co — , 1 — -Co)] > (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) H (< m 20